Eden M. Kennedy has acted impulsively in ways she now regrets.

I just had the lamest conversation with a telemarketer.

Telemarketer: "I'd like to help you save money by switching your long distance service to MCI."
Me: (shit) "We're not really interested in switching right now."
Tele.: "Ma'am, our service is only $5 a month and 7 cents a minute. Do you currently make long-distance calls in-state or out-of-state?"
Me: (goddamnit, now what) "Uh, both."
Tele.: "Blah blah blah blah blah . . . "
Me: (putting phone down on table, walking away) "Jackson, where are you?" (pause) "OH MY GOD!"
(Came back two minutes later and hung up phone)

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My Recurring Dreams